Vendor Registration is open!

The Airing of the Quilts Festival is accepting applications for
Merchandise and Food vendors for the 2024 season.

Merchandise Vendors

Registration is open for the 2024 Airing of the Quilts Festival. There is no cost to register and registration is open to any community member.

Merchandise vendors may choose to set up their booth at the primary Boykin hub or at a personal residence along Co Rd 29. Support for vendors differs depending on where you choose to set up your booth. 

Vendors located at the festival grounds will receive:

  • a 10 x 10’ tent (set up provided)

  • a folding table & 2 folding chairs (set up provided)

  • access to free wifi for payment processing

  • materials to hang quilts (poles, line, clips, etc.) 

Vendors located at a residence will receive:

  • one reusable 10'x10' tent in advance of the festival at no cost to you.  And it's yours to keep.

New for the 2024 festival:

All merchandise vendors will receive badges identifying them as official festival vendors 

Merchandise vendors setting up at the Boykin location will receive:

  • Your name and business featured on the website and in the festival program

  • Advance notification of booth location as well as access to your secured booth the day before the festival (October 11th) to allow for early set up. Security to the entire area will be provided.

  • Access to additional set up support: dedicated merchandise vendor check-in booth with access to volunteers to aid in booth set up and assistance to bring your merchandise to your booth.


Registration Deadline: September 1, 2024

Food Vendors

New for the 2024 festival: The festival is opening up to include food truck vendors from outside of the community. Preference will be given to community members.

Cost for community members:

$50 refundable deposit will be required to reserve a spot

Cost for non-community members:

$250 non-refundable fee per food truck will be required to reserve a spot

All food vendor participants will receive:

  • A dedicated space assigned in advance of the festival

  • Access to free wifi for payment processing

Community members have the option to sell from a 10x10 tent, including 2 6ft folding tables and 2 folding chairs at no cost (set up provided).

Registration Deadline: July 1, 2024